How To Find A Professional Boudoir Photographer

Woman wearing black fishnet lingerie on chair by female boudoir photographer in Essex and London.

In more recent years, boudoir photography has thrived as increasing numbers of women are discovering its confidence-boosting properties and its potential as a perfect gift for their other half. Similar to the wedding photography industry, more people are branding themselves photographers on the basis that they own a digital camera and wouldn’t mind earning some extra cash, and as a result, some of the horror stories are undoubtedly enough to put someone off a boudoir session for life. With that in mind, we wanted to put together some pointers for clients who are seeking a boudoir photographer that’s right for them.

You want to get the best from a photographer; one who will provide you with a great service and even better end product. Boudoir photography is more than just taking pictures: you’re placing yourself into a vulnerable situation where, subsequently, comfort and safety is key. A bad photographer could do more harm than good, plummeting your self-esteem and leaving you feeling awkward, as well as out of pocket with an unflattering portfolio of images. Not ideal!

Here are some tips to help match you up with a great photographer and get the best out of a session:


First thing’s first: would you prefer a male or female photographer? This will help you filter through the various photographers available. Go online and have a look at the photographer’s website, and ensure that they have a professional site with a good selection of their portfolio visible; the best photographers are always willing to show you more of their portfolio on request if you meet prior to your session.

Secondly, do you like what you see? Looking through a photographer’s gallery and checking out their style is vital before you book – if you don’t like what’s there, then chances are slim that you’ll like your own photoset. There are some awful soft porn-style boudoir sites that exhibit seedy images and bad lighting, so make sure that you do the legwork to find someone that suits you. Reading testimonials on the photographer’s website will give you a great insight into previous clients’ experiences.


Check the location of boudoir photographer’s studio before booking and make sure that you’re happy with where you are meeting. You can always take a friend, but they may not be allowed to attend the shoot (for example, Simply Boudoir’s Essex studio has a room where they can relax and wait for you). Feeling safe and relaxed in the environment is central to capturing the best photographs possible – you know what they say, if in doubt…


A good boudoir photographer will have a wide range of products available, ranging from small to larger packages. Remember that you are paying for years of experience, talent, and above all a quality product; if the cost seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Ensure that the photographer has a privacy policy if you don’t wish for your images to be displayed online, as well as contracts and disclaimers for their clients.


A good boudoir photographer will know how to relax a client before a shoot, and can pick up on any anxieties that may be preventing you from coming out of your shell. Prior to your session, either meet up or have a chat over the phone with your photographer; by establishing a connection before your shoot, you will instantly feel more at ease and it’ll be easier to capture fantastic natural images.

They will have a good knowledge of lingerie, and will be able to give good advice regarding wardrobe and pre-shoot beauty regimens; Simply Boudoir supplies a multitude of resources in our Client Portal, ranging from wardrobe choices to shoot preparation guidance, as well as support on the day of your session. The best boudoir photographers will also have a qualified make-up artist available, to ensure that you’re looking and feeling your best. Making sure that you are ready for the shoot, both physically and mentally, will be your photographer’s top priority, and during the shoot, they will guide you with poses so you won’t be left in the dark.

Boudoir is such an incredible experience for women of all shapes, sizes, and ages, and we’d hate for you to miss out! If you think one of our Simply Boudoir sessions is the right fit for you, get in touch – your self love journey starts here!



The Simply Boudoir Experience: as told by… Charlotte